Strawberry Chocolate Cake Recipe | Cooking tree

by Cooking Tree
Strawberry Chocolate Cake Recipe Cooking tree

Strawberry Chocolate Cake is on the menu in Cooking Tree, and we are going to teach you how to make this delicious recipe from scratch!

I made a strawberry chocolate cake with strawberries sandwiched by cutting the soft chocolate genuise into rectangles.

I put the remaining cake sheet on the outside of the cake and put it on a sieve to give it a soft feel, but I think it looks more appetizing.

It is a cream made by mixing cream cheese and whipped cream, so if it hardens in the refrigerator, it will be firm to some extent, and it will retain its shape well even when cut.

Each layer is filled with strawberries, and every time you eat it, you can smell a lot of strawberry flavor.
Have fun watching it~♬

  • Strawberry Chocolate Cake Recipe Cooking tree
  • Strawberry Chocolate Cake Recipe Cooking tree
  • Strawberry Chocolate Cake Recipe Cooking tree
  • Strawberry Chocolate Cake Recipe Cooking tree
  • Strawberry Chocolate Cake Recipe Cooking tree
  • Strawberry Chocolate Cake Recipe Cooking tree
  • Strawberry Chocolate Cake Recipe Cooking tree
  • Ingredients Strawberry Chocolate Cake Recipe Cooking tree

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Strawberry Chocolate Cake Recipe Cooking tree
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Strawberry Chocolate Cake

Rating: 5.0/5
( 1 voted )
Serves: 8 Prep Time: Nutrition facts: 200 calories 20 grams fat


  • 3 Eggs (about 150g)
  • 75g Sugar
  • 2g Vanilla extract
  • 25g Unsalted butter
  • 30g Milk
  • 10g Cocoa powder
  • 75g Cake flour

  • 170g Cold heavy cream
  • 35g Sugar
  • 170g Cold cream cheese
  • Sliced strawberry


  1. Place a bowl of eggs on a pot of hot water, add sugar and vanilla extract, mix, and raise the temperature to about 40 degrees.
  2. Remove the bowl from the pot and place the bowl with unsalted butter and milk on top. Add cocoa powder and melt.
  3. Whip the egg mixture to make fine and rich foam, sift the soft flour and mix, then add a little of the dough to the melted unsalted butter mixture and mix.
  4. Add the mixture to the main dough, mix, pour the dough into a 20cm square mold, bake in an oven preheated to 170 degrees for 25 minutes, take it out of the mold and cool.
  5. Cut the top and bottom of the cooled sheet, slice into 2 pieces, and cut in half to make a total of 4 sheets.
  6. Add sugar to cold whipped cream and whip it. When the horns start to stand, add cold cream cheese and whip it to make cream, and put it in a piping bag.
  7. Put 1 sheet on the bowl, squeeze the cream thinly, put the sliced ​​strawberries, squeeze the cream, and put 1 sheet on it.
  8. Repeat and apply the cream to the surface, then harden in the freezer for about 30 minutes.
  9. Sift the remaining cake sheet after cutting it down to make a powder and attach it to the hardened side of the cake.


Mold size: 20cm

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Recipe video

Thank you for watching~


🇰🇷🇰🇷 See recipe in Korean 🇰🇷🇰🇷

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