How to make Cheese Ddeokbokki (Rice cake) gratin

by Cooking Tree
Cheese Ddeokbokki Rice cake gratin Cooking tree

Cooking Tree is serving you a delectable recipe for Cheese Ddeokbokki (Rice cake) gratin, and we’ll show you how to prepare it from scratch.

I made cheese soup tteokbokki gratin topped with string cheese, which is delicious to eat as it is! I love tteokbokki so much that I make it at least 3 times a week, but this time, I added cheese in the shape of a whirlpool to make it more fun~

It’s in the shape of a tornado, so I added a rotating plate in the video hahahaha, Cheese Tteokbokki is really, really needless, I think the strongest food that causes salivary glands and hunger!

I ate it a while ago, but seeing it while editing it makes me want to eat it again ㅠㅠ Also, it is better not to boil the tteokbokki for too long because it is slightly baked in the oven. Have fun watching it~♬

  • Cheese Ddeokbokki Rice cake gratin Cooking tree
  • Cheese Ddeokbokki Rice cake gratin Cooking tree
  • Cheese Ddeokbokki Rice cake gratin Cooking tree
  • Cheese Ddeokbokki Rice cake gratin Cooking tree
  • Cheese Ddeokbokki Rice cake gratin Cooking tree
  • Cheese Ddeokbokki Rice cake gratin Cooking tree
  • Cheese Ddeokbokki Rice cake gratin Cooking tree
  • Cheese Ddeokbokki Rice cake gratin Cooking tree
  • Cheese Ddeokbokki Rice cake gratin Cooking tree
  • Cheese Ddeokbokki Rice cake gratin Cooking tree
  • Cheese Ddeokbokki Rice cake gratin Cooking tree
  • Cheese Ddeokbokki Rice cake gratin Cooking tree
  • Cheese Ddeokbokki Rice cake gratin Cooking tree
  • Cheese Ddeokbokki Rice cake gratin Cooking tree
  • Cheese Ddeokbokki Rice cake gratin Cooking tree

Follow along with the 📝 recipes below👇🏾👇🏾

Cheese Ddeokbokki Rice cake gratin Cooking tree
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Cheese Ddeokbokki (Rice cake) gratin

Rating: 5.0/5
( 72 voted )
Serves: 4 Prep Time: Cooking Time: Nutrition facts: 200 calories 20 grams fat


  • Cheese rice cake 400g Cheese rice cake
  • Green onion 1 Green onion
  • Fish cake 2-3
  • 500ml Water
  • Dashi Pack (for soup) 1

Seasoning Seasoning

  • Red pepper paste 2Ts Red pepper paste
  • Red pepper powder 1Ts Red pepper powder
  • Oligosaccharides 2Ts
  • 1Ts Soy sauce
  • Ketchup 2Ts Ketchup
  • String cheese
  • Cheese toppings for pizza


  1. Slice the green onion, fish cake, and string cheese.
  2. Put water and dashi pack in a pot and boil it, then take out the dashi pack.
  3. Add fish cake + seasoning sauce + rice cake + green onion and bring to a boil.
  4. Transfer to an oven-friendly bowl, put string cheese and pizza cheese on top, and bake in an oven at 200 degrees for 7-10 minutes.

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Thank you for watching~


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