Soft and Fluffy Baked Donuts Recipe

Soft and Fluffy Baked Donuts are on the menu in Cooking Tree, and we are going to teach you how to make this delicious recipe from scratch!

– 150g Bread flour – 150g All-purpose flour – 35g Sugar – 5g Salt – 5g Dry yeast – 1 Egg – 140g Milk – 35g Melted unsalted butter – Melted unsalted butter – Sugar – Powdered sugar – Strawberry jam


1. Mix strong flour and light flour, make 3 grooves, put sugar, salt, and dry yeast in each groove, mix with flour, and mix thoroughly.

2. Add eggs, milk, and melted unsalted butter, knead for about 12-15 minutes until smooth, cover and ferment for about 1 hour until doubled in volume.

3. Roll out the dough, cut it into a 7cm circle, put it on the oven pan, cover it with cling wrap, and let it ferment for about 40 minutes.

4. Bake in an oven preheated to 175 degrees for 12 minutes, then apply melted unsalted butter, sugar and powdered sugar, and then fill with strawberry jam.