Peach Cheesecake Recipe


“Take a moment out of the day to enjoy what's on your plate.”

- Anonymous

Large Radish

Peach Cheesecake is on the menu in Cooking Tree, and we are going to teach you how to make this delicious recipe from scratch!

Peach Cheesecake Recipe


The ultimate recipe guide on

Peach Cheesecake





80 Min

00 Min




– 1 Peach (350g) – 120g Water – 30g Sugar – 5g Lemon juice – 25g Water + 5g Gelatin – 125g Cream cheese – 30g Sugar – 2g Vanilla extract – 3g Lemon juice – 195g Peach puree – 70g Heavy cream – Food coloring (red, white)


– 80g Whole wheat biscuits – 35g Melted unsalted butter – 30g Water+ 6g Gelatin – 250g Cream cheese – 60g Sugar – 3g Vanilla extract – 5g Lemon juice – 40g Plain yogurt – 150g Heavy cream – 25g Water+ 5g Gelatin – 100g Peach syrup – 50g Whipped heavy cream (+5g sugar)


1. Cut peaches, put them in a pot, add sugar and water, and boil over low heat until the color comes out. (About 6-7 minutes) 2. Add lemon juice, boil a little more, and separate the pulp and syrup through a sieve. 3. Leave the separated syrup at room temperature, grind the pulp in a mixer, put it in a pot, and simmer on low heat for about 10 minutes, then cool. 4. Add powdered gelatin (5g) to water, mix, and soak for more than 10 minutes. 5. Loosen half a block of cream cheese at room temperature, add sugar, vanilla extract, and lemon juice, and mix, then add the boiled peach pulp and mix.


6. Heat the soaked gelatin in the microwave for about 20 seconds to melt it completely, then add it to the cream cheese dough and mix. 7. Whip about 50% of the whipped cream, put it in the cream cheese dough, mix evenly, and divide into 3 parts. 8. Add color to each bowl and mix, then put the darkest color in a 12cm mousse mold and harden in the freezer for about 10 minutes. 9. Put the cream cheese dough of medium color and harden it in the freezer for about 10 minutes, then pour the lightest color and harden it in the freezer for about 30 minutes. 10. Add melted unsalted butter to the crumbled cookies, mix, pour into a mousse mold (15cm), flatten, and place in the refrigerator.


11. Add powdered gelatin (6g) to water, mix and soak for at least 10 minutes, then release the cream cheese (1 block product) at room temperature. 12. Add sugar, vanilla extract, and lemon juice and mix, then add plain yogurt and mix. 13. Heat the soaked gelatin in a microwave for about 20 seconds to melt it completely, then add it to the cream cheese dough and mix. 14. Whip about 50% of the whipped cream, put it in the cream cheese batter, and mix evenly. 15. Pour a little cream cheesecake batter (white) into a 15cm mousse mold that was kept in the refrigerator and harden in the freezer for about 20 minutes.


16. In a 15cm mousse mold, put the three-color peach cream cheesecake hardened in a 12cm mousse mold in the center, pour the cream cheesecake batter (white), and let it harden in the freezer for about 20 minutes. 17. Add powdered gelatin (5g) to water and soak for more than 10 minutes, then heat in the microwave for 20 seconds to dissolve. 18. Add melted gelatin to peach syrup at room temperature, mix, pour over cheesecake and harden in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. 19. Decorate the top with fresh cream and peach flesh (cube shape). (Pod number: 854)