Strawberry Cheesecake Recipe


“Take a moment out of the day to enjoy what's on your plate.”

- Anonymous

Strawberry Cheesecake Recipe

Strawberry Cheesecake (No-Bake) is on the menu in Cooking Tree, and we are going to teach you how to make this delicious recipe from scratch!


The ultimate recipe guide on

Strawberry Cheesecake





75 Min

00 Min




– 400g Frozen strawberry – 80g Sugar – 10g Lemon juice – 80g Whole wheat biscuits – 35g Melted unsalted butter – 6g Gelatin + 30g Water – 250g Cream cheese – 30g Sugar – 3g Vanilla extract – 130g Strawberry puree – 200g Heavy cream – 120g Strawberry puree – 4g Gelatin + 20g Water


1. Add sugar to frozen strawberries and boil over low heat until thickened, then add lemon juice and boil a little more, then cool. 2. Add melted butter to the crushed Daije cookies, mix, put in a mold, flatten, and put in the refrigerator. 3. Add water to powdered gelatin, mix, and leave for 10 minutes, then soften the cream cheese at room temperature. 4. Add sugar and vanilla extract and mix, then add strawberry puree and mix.


5. Heat the soaked gelatin in a microwave for 20 seconds to melt it, then add it to the cream cheese dough and mix. 6. Whip about 50% of fresh cream and mix with cream cheese batter. 7. Put about 1 cup of cream cheese dough into the mold, flatten it, and harden it in the freezer for about 10 minutes. 8. Add melted gelatin to strawberry puree, mix, pour into a mold, and harden in the freezer for about 10 minutes.


9. Divide the cream cheese dough into 3 parts and add color to make 3 different colors and put them in a piping bag. 10. Squeeze the cream cheese dough little by little, fill the mold, and stir with chopsticks to form a pattern and harden it in the refrigerator for 3 hours.