Mascarpone Tiramisu Recipe

Mascarpone Tiramisu is one of the delicious recipes, Cooking tree will show you how to prepare this recipe step by step

1. Whip the egg white and when a large bubble rises, divide the sugar and whip to make a meringue. Add the egg yolk and vanilla extract and whip to mix evenly.

2. Sift the soft flour and mix, put it in a piping bag and pan it in an oven pan. Sprinkle plenty of the sugar and sugar powder mixture.

3. Bake in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 13 minutes and cool. 4. Add sugar and instant coffee powder to warm water, mix, and place in the refrigerator.

5. Put the egg yolk on the pot of boiled water, add sugar and stir to raise the temperature to about 70 degrees, then remove from the pot.

6. Gently loosen the mascarpone cheese, add the yolk mixture and mix.

7. Put sugar and water in a pot, boil it, and at the same time whip the egg white. When the temperature of sugar reaches 118 degrees, put it in the egg white and whip it to make a meringue.

8. Add the meringue to the cheese mixture and mix. 9. Soak lady finger cookies in coffee, put them in a mold, and pour cream.

10. Repeat once more, flatten the top and harden in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.