Orange Upside Down Cake Recipe

Cooking Tree

There is nothing mysterious about making cake! Practice makes perfect so bake, bake, bake!

Orange Upside Down Cake is on the menu in Cooking Tree, and we are going to teach you how to make this delicious recipe from scratch!

Let’s get started!

Orange Upside Down Cake Recipe


30 Min

45 Min


– 2 Oranges – 100g Water – 100g Sugar – 3g Lemon juice – 3 Egg yolks – 3g Vanilla extract – 1g Salt – 40g Orange juice – Orange zest – 50g Vegetable oil – 100g All-purpose flour – 30g Milk – 3 Egg whites – 80g Sugar


1. Cut an orange into thin slices with a knife or slicer, boil sugar and water in a pan, and then add the orange. 2. Simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes, then take it out and cool it in the refrigerator, leaving the syrup. 3. Add vanilla extract and salt to egg yolk and mix, then add orange juice, orange zest, and vegetable oil and mix.


4. Sift the wheat flour through a sieve and mix, then add milk and mix. (You can also add milk before adding the flour) 5. Divide the egg white into sugar 3 times and make a meringue. 6. Add 1/3 of the meringue to the egg mixture and mix, then add the remaining half of the meringue and mix. Pour the batter into the bowl with the meringue and mix evenly.


7. Put the orange on the oven pan with parchment paper, pour the remaining syrup, put the cake batter, and beat to remove large bubbles. 8. Bake in an oven at 170 degrees for 35 minutes (preheated to 190 degrees) and turn it over on a plate.

Bread bun

Beginner Cake Recipe


Cooking Tree