Matcha Chocolate Vanilla Zebra Cheesecake

- Anonymous


“Take a moment out of the day to enjoy what's on your plate.”

Matcha Chocolate Vanilla Zebra Cheesecake

Matcha Chocolate Vanilla Zebra Cheesecake is on the menu in Cooking Tree, and we are going to teach you how to make this delicious recipe from scratch!


The ultimate recipe guide on

Matcha Chocolate Vanilla Zebra Cheesecake





Prep Time

Cook Time

50 minutes

01 minutes



– 60g Crushed oreo (without cream) – 25g Melted unsalted butter – 6g Gelatin sheet (or 5g Powdered gelatin) – 300g Cream cheese – 75g Sugar – 50g Plain Yogurt – 6g Lemon juice – 2g Vanilla extract – 180g Whipped cream (whipped 50~60%) – 5g Green tea powder – 30g Warm Whipping cream – 10g Black Cocoa Powder – 20g Warm Whipping cream


1. Remove the cream and add melted unsalted butter to the crushed Oreos, mix, put in a mold and press firmly. 2. Soak the gelatin in cold water, then soften the cream cheese, then add sugar, plain yogurt, lemon juice, and vanilla extract and mix. 3. Remove the water from the soaked gelatin and heat it in the microwave for about 10 seconds to melt it completely, then add it to the cheese mixture and mix, then add the whipped cream and mix.


4. Divide the dough into 3 parts, mix green tea powder and warm whipped cream, and mix black cocoa powder and warm whipped cream. 5. Mix the green tea and black cocoa mixture in 2 places of the dough. 6. Repeat pouring black cocoa, green tea, and vanilla in the order of the mold, and then harden in the refrigerator for about 3 hours.
