Shine Muscat Cake Recipe

“Take a moment out of the day to enjoy what's on your plate.”

- Anonymous

Large Radish

Shine Muscat (Green Grape) Cake Recipe

Shine Muscat (Green Grape) Cake is on the menu in Cooking Tree, and we are going to teach you how to make this delicious recipe from scratch!


The ultimate recipe guide on

Green Grape Cake





70 Min

37 Min




– 40g Water + 8g Gelatin – 150g Water – 25g Sugar – 10g Lemon juice – Shine muscat – 210g Egg (about 4 eggs) – 120g Sugar – 4g Vanilla extract – 35g Unsalted butter – 40g Milk – 115g Cake flour – 250g Heavy cream – 65g Sugar – 400g Cream cheese – Cointreau


1. Add powdered gelatin to water, mix, and leave for at least 10 minutes. Add sugar and lemon juice to water and mix. 2. Heat the soaked gelatin in the microwave for 20 seconds to melt it, then add it to the lemon water and mix well. 3. Put the Shine Muscat in the mold, pour lemon water and harden it in the refrigerator for 2 hours or more. 4. Place the egg bowl in the pot of hot water, add sugar and vanilla extract, mix, and raise the temperature to about 40 degrees. 5. Remove the bowl from the pot and place the bowl of butter and milk on the pot. (About 50-60 degrees) 6. Whip until fine foam is formed. Sift the soft flour through a sieve and mix.


7. Put a part of the dough in a bowl of butter and milk and mix, then put it back into the original dough and mix evenly. 8. Pour it into the mold and tap the bottom to remove large air bubbles. Bake in an oven at 175 degrees for 37 minutes. 9. After cooling, cut into 3 pieces and cut off the edges. 10. Whip the whipped cream with sugar, then add cold cream cheese and orange Cointreau and whip it to make the cream. 11. Place a cake sheet on a rotating plate and apply cream, then put on the hardened Shine Muscat jelly and apply the cream. 12. Place the sheet on top, apply cream and icing, and decorate the top with a muscat.