Crumble Souffle Cake Recipe

Cooking Tree will show you how to make a homemade version of this delectable recipe for Crumble Souffle Cake.

1. Mix almond flour and wheat flour, add sugar, and mix evenly. 2. Add cold butter and mash and mix to make it like small beans and rice. 3. Put about 2/3 of the crumble in the mold and press it together. (Leave the remaining crumble at room temperature)

Making crumble

1. Add vegetable oil and salt to egg yolk and mix. 2. Add yogurt (use Greek yogurt) and vanilla extract and mix. 3. Sift flour and cornstarch and mix evenly.

Making yogurt soufflé dough

4. Whip egg whites with lemon juice and add sugar in 3 portions to make a soft meringue. 5. Add about 1/3 of the meringue to the egg yolk mixture and mix.

Making yogurt soufflé dough

6. Add all the egg yolk mixture to the meringue bowl and mix evenly. (Mix slowly and gently so that the meringue does not burn too much) 7. Pour the soufflé batter into the mold, flatten it, and sprinkle the crumble on top.

Making yogurt soufflé dough

8. Pour hot water on the outside of the mold and bake in a 150-degree oven for 60 minutes. (If you bake it with the steam method, the cake will be baked more moistly)

Making yogurt soufflé dough