Strawberry tiramisu cake Recipe

In Cooking Tree, Strawberry tiramisu cake is on the menu, and we’ll show you how to make it from scratch.

I made a strawberry tiramisu cake filled with big strawberries! I think it’s a pretty cake with a sponge sheet moistly sprinkled with syrup and halved strawberries on the side.

Originally, I used a lot of mascarpone cheese for tiramisu, but I thought strawberry and cream cheese would go well together, so I used cream cheese~^^

It is delicious even if you apply coffee syrup or strawberry syrup to the sheet, but I wanted to make the sheet white, so I sprinkled sugar syrup~

I think putting strawberries on top gives it a richer feeling, so it goes well with Christmas.

Enjoy watching~~♬ ~

Follow along with the 📝 recipes below👇🏾👇🏾

Strawberry tiramisu cake


  • Meringue (3 egg white + 60g sugar)
  • 3 Egg yolk
  • 1/4ts Vanilla extract
  • 83g Cake flour
  • 1/4ts + 1/8ts Baking powder
  • 30g Melted unsalted butter
  • 34g Milk
  • 200g Cream cheese
  • 80g Plain Yogurt
  • 60g Sugar
  • 1/2ts Vanilla extract
  • 2g Leaf gelatine
  • 160g Whipped cream
  • Strawberry
  • Sugar syrup
  • Powdered sugar


  1. Add egg yolk and vanilla extract to the meringue and mix, then sift the soft flour and baking powder and mix.
  2. Add a little dough to the melted butter and milk and mix, then add to the main dough and mix.
  3. Apply butter, put it in a mold with parchment paper, bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30 minutes, cool, cut off the top and bottom, and dip it into a 15cm mold.
  4. Soften the cream cheese, add sugar, plain yogurt, and vanilla extract, and mix.
  5. Add melted gelatin and mix, then add whipped cream and mix.
  6. Lay a sheet on a 15cm mold, sprinkle with sugar syrup, and attach the cut strawberries to the side of the mold.
  7. Fill with cream and place the cut strawberries in the center, then put the cream on top.
  8. Put the sheet on top, apply the cream thinly and evenly, and let it harden in the refrigerator for about 3 hours, then put the strawberries on top.
  9. Squeeze the cream in the middle of the strawberry and sprinkle it with sugar powder for decoration.

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