Steamed Milk Cake Recipe

Steamed Milk Cake is on the menu in Cooking Tree, and we are going to teach you how to make this delicious recipe from scratch!

– 80g Eggs – 60g Sugar – 1g Salt – 5g Vanilla extract – 20g Condensed milk – 150g Cake flour – 6g Baking powder – 110g Milk – 10g Melted unsalted butter


1. Add sugar and salt to the eggs and mix until slightly foamy, then add vanilla extract and condensed milk and mix.

2. Sift the soft flour and baking powder, add 1/3 of the milk first and mix, then add all the remaining milk and mix. Add the melted unsalted butter and mix.

3. Pour the batter into a container with parchment paper, put it on a steamer with boiling water, cover with a lid and cook for 20 minutes.